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This affiliate marketing website gathers information and resources related to various legal topics. We invite you to explore the site and discover the information that can help you.


Online Legal Services Reviews

Independent organization which works with lawyers in the United States to provide legal document creation services to the public. It´s mandate is to allow people to create common legal documents in a very easy, convenient, private, secure and cost-effective manner, without the need to pay the high expenses of a lawyer. The website allows members to document their Last Will and Testament, Living Will and Power of Attorney. 
Better Business Bureau rating A+ (PartingWishes Inc)


BusinessRocket was formed when Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, CPAs, Consultants, and Business Managers came together to create a cost-effective and efficient business entity formation solution for start-ups. BusinessRocket developed a system that eliminates the complexities associated with starting and operating a successful business, BusinessRocket strives to help inspired individuals everywhere to bring their aspirations to the marketplace.


LegalZoom provides access to independent attorneys and self-service tools. provides an online legal portal to give visitors a general understanding of the law and to provide an automated software solution to individuals who choose to prepare their own legal documents. The Site includes general information on commonly encountered legal issues. 
Better Business Bureau rating A+


US Legal Forms has been providing more than 85,000 legal documents to individual consumers, attorneys, and small businesses for more than 25 years. From contracts and agreements to documents for personal needs with real-life examples, including eSignature and editing capabilities, so you can edit, eSign, and notarize documents online using any device and without having to switch between apps.

Better Business Bureau rating A+



Reviews from well known platforms, namely but not exclusively, Trustpilot, BBB, Google, Social Media.  

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